The Art and Science of Ladies Who Lift Coaching: Tailoring Success to Your Unique Needs

In the world of fitness, it is easy to get confused by hacks, trends on tik tok and click-bait posts. These posts make you feel like “this one trick” or “this one exercise” is the key to getting the results you want. There is a big difference between being a fitness influencer who uses hyperbole and being a coach who works with real people and understands nuance. I want to give you some insight into what the role of a fitness coach is and hopefully help you be able to discern what is legit advice and what is a marketing tactic to get likes. 

At the heart of effective coaching is scientific evidence. This means that our recommendations are grounded in well-researched principles, rather than personal anecdotal success. While many fitness influencers might boast impressive physiques and claim that their methods are the key to success, their approaches often lack the rigorous scrutiny of scientific validation. Our programs, on the other hand, are based on proven methods.

But knowing what works is just one part of the equation. The real magic happens when we dive deep into understanding you as an individual. Every client comes with their own unique set of circumstances—personal history, physical limitations, goals, preferences, lifestyle, and schedule. We take all these factors into account to design a strategy that’s tailored specifically to you.

Even if two clients share the same overarching goals, the strategies we employ might differ significantly. This personalized approach ensures that we address each person’s unique needs and limitations, creating a plan that is both practical and effective. 

The key to success in coaching lies in meeting you where you are in your life and building a plan that fits seamlessly into your reality. This bespoke approach not only enhances the likelihood of achieving your goals but also ensures that the journey is sustainable and enjoyable.

In essence, great coaching is not about a one-size-fits-all solution, hyperbolic claims or having a hot body; it’s about adapting our expertise to fit you perfectly. By combining scientific knowledge with a deep understanding of your individual context, we craft a roadmap that’s uniquely yours.

Interested in what this approach could look like for you? Our coaches would love to work with you! Sign up today! 

ABOUT the author

Amy Potter is a Certified Personal Trainer and Holistic Health Coach. She loves helping women heal their relationship with their bodies, and with food. She guides women on a journey to feel strong, confident, and capable through weight lifting and intuitive eating. In her free time, she can be found taking long walks on the beach, petting dogs, or talking about politics.


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