Five Body Image Tips

a full length mirror in an apartment

I used to take a lot of group fitness classes and one of my biggest pet peeves was when instructors would talk about doing an exercise to get our “arms ready for tank top season” or “toning our thighs for short shorts” or working on our “beach body”.

That rhetoric reinforces this idea that we have to change our bodies in order to earn the right to wear shorts, tanks, crop tops or bikinis. Internalizing this messaging can lead to stress, anxiety and poor self-image. So let me set the record straight. You do not have to change your body in order to wear your summer ‘fits. The beach is not a “who-has-the-hottest-body” competition. 

Here are 5 tips to help you work on your body-image this summer:

Observe your self-talk

What is the voice inside your head saying? When do you find yourself speaking negatively to yourself? Are there any common themes within your critiques? Would you speak to a friend the way you speak to yourself?

Reframe negative self-talk 

Practice neutralizing that voice. You have been TAUGHT to be self-conscious and nit-pick your “flaws.” That means that you can be TAUGHT to be self-confident, see your “flaws” as unique characteristics that make you human, and to have a positive or neutral body image. When the negative voice pops up in your head, I want you to counter those thoughts with logical, neutral statements. Stop the downward spiral and bring yourself into the present moment. 

Focus on body functionality 

Often we are so obsessed with the physical appearance of our body that we forget all of the amazing things it does for us! Your heart beats everyday without you having to think about it but instead of appreciating your heart and other systems that work tirelessly to keep us alive, we fixate on made up external “flaws.” Your body carries you through life. It is strong and capable and does incredible things everyday. Take time to appreciate what your body can DO. 

Build self-esteem

Often, we over-value our physical appearance and under-value other aspects of ourselves. What activities, hobbies or interests do you have? Putting energy and effort into learning something new, cultivating a skill, or enjoying a hobby can build self-esteem and increase the importance of these other areas of your life. 

Don’t miss out on life

Have you ever skipped a day at the beach or pool because you didn’t feel comfortable in a swimsuit? You’re not alone, but I challenge you to let this summer be different. Even as you practice building a better body-image, you may still have bad days. Don’t let life slip away from you! Stop nit-picking your body in the mirror and just get out there. Go. Do. Live. 

If you are struggling with your body image and you would like to work on it with a coach, sign up for our Ambassador program. Through strength training and weekly coaching calls we can work together to heal your relationship with your body, unleash your inner confidence and FEEL GOOD.

ABOUT the author

Amy Potter is a Certified Personal Trainer and Holistic Health Coach. She loves helping women heal their relationship with their bodies, and with food. She guides women on a journey to feel strong, confident, and capable through weight lifting and intuitive eating. In her free time, she can be found taking long walks on the beach, petting dogs, or talking about politics.


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