How to: take the slack
out of the bar
Not all gyms or at home have a fancy jack to help you load and unload a barbell. Here are some tips and just a few ways to do so!
Q: what is taking the slack out of the bar?
A: “taking the slack out of the bar” is one of the steps in effectively setting up for a deadlift. Pulling the slack out of the bar allows you to build better tension through your whole body and create a better relationship with the bar, which in turn makes you more capable of controlling the barbell under load, and helps to avoid injury.
Q: How to take the slack of the bar?
A: essentially-taking the slack out of the bar means to pull UP on the bar, eliminating the space that still exists between the barbell and the inside of the plate. You will think of this almost as an isometric pull. We are pulling UP but not LIFTING the plates off the ground.
Q: How do i know if i have taken the slack out of the bar?
A: you should be able to both hear and feel the slack being taken out of the bar. You will hear the bar coming to touch the top of the plate it is inside (if you listen carefully) and you should feel the bar get heavy in your hands without the plates moving off the floor.If you were to watch someone take the slack out of a very heavily loaded barbell, you would see the bar BEND in their hands.
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