heavy dumbbell assist
TRAINER : Brittany
As you progress in weights you might find that getting into the set up might be challenging for your Overhead Presses and Bench Presses. Here is a nice tutorial on how to get those weights in the starting position when you don’t have access to a spotter.
OVERHEAD PRESSES: Start with those dumbbells on your knees, holding them in a neutral position (palms facing in towards each other). Using your knees and that momentum, hike those weights up by your shoulders and press those weights up over your head. Bring them back down safely.
BENCH PRESSES: Set up the same way with your dumbbells on your knees. Hike them up using your knees and that momentum. As you lay back keep those dumbbells in a neutral grip. Press those weights up as soon as possible, above your body so that you are not losing too much strength and power at the bottom.
As always if you don't feel comfortable or safe to do this yourself grab yourself a spotter!
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