TRAINER : Brittany
This is a great workout to get your body moving especially if you are pressed for time. And can be done just about anywhere. So grab a towel a water bottle put on a great playlist and get after it.
Equipment Needed: Just you, or grab a friend!
Complete the all of the following and then repeat 3-5 Rounds
Jump Squat x15 Reps
Spine stays neutral. Use your lower body to blast you up. We aren’t looking for heights like Michael Jordan but get those feet of that floor. Land nice and softly and back up into that next rep.
Wall Sit 30-60 seconds
Find a wall keep your back against the wall. Knees will be bent at a nice 90 degree angle. Arms can be out to front or down at your sides. Keep Breathing. Legs shaking. Add a set of dumbbells for an added challenge as shown in the demo
Jump Lunges x10-12 reps/side:
Know that you can always take these to a reverse lunge if you need to. Come into a reverse lunge and then we are going to push through the front foot bring your back foot to the front getting that nice little switch. If you lose your balance its ok take a second reset and into that next rep.
Plank Walk Ups 8-10 reps/side
Come into a forearm plank position. Press yourself up on one hand to a high plank and come back down onto the opposite side. Alternate coming up and down. You can have your feet as wide as you need to keep those hips nice and stable. Also if you need to come down to your knees that is ok.
High Plank 30-60 seconds
Grab a mat if needed. Hands will be right under your shoulders. Shoulders away from your ears. Pop yourself onto those toes. Tuck your glutes brace your core and squeeze that whole body. Spine neutral ribs interlaced strong glutes quads core. Make yourself stiff like a board.
Incline Push Up 12 Reps
Can use a wall, a couch, a counter, anything that puts at an incline of your choice. From there place your hands just outside your shoulders. Up onto your tippie toes. Tuck your glutes. Core tight and braced. Drive elbows into arrow not a T. Neutral spine is maintained the entire time.
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